2024 eXXXotica DC preview
Event dates: Friday December 6th till Sunday December 8th, 2024.
Preview photos by Henry Ma / PHM

Here we go again, my last stop at eXXXotica and I ended up going to Washington DC (Dulles). Ray from ImagesbyRay.net also made it to the show driving from NJ while I flew out Friday morning from Vegas to Phoenix then to Dulles. Now I’ve never been to DC show before but I’ve heard it’s a much smaller show (compared to New Jersey) Below you can clearly see why.

Above: Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, VA
The venue is in the same parking lot as Walmart and other fast-food places, there’s even a Hooters nearby if you’re craving to see more hooters after the show.

Above and below: Show floor, this is as crowded as it’ll get.

Below: Stage entertainment, the stage is definitely smaller than NJ.

Below: Bunny, one of the exxxotica HOTTIES working the show.

There weren’t any long lines waiting outside, it’s too cold anyway, and definitely plenty of parking. We ended up attending just Friday and Saturday so there won’t be any photos from Sunday. Don’t worry, Ray still manages to snap a lot of photos so definitely keep an eye out for them soon.
Check back here for photos from the event. Till next year!
If you’re looking for the photos from stage entertainment, there’s almost a thousand shots!