The real reason no work gets done

2024 SPOCOM San Mateo Preview

By Henry Ma / PHM, Posted on evening of September 22nd, 2024

Above: People waiting in line at SPOCOM, San Mateo County Events Center @ San Mateo, CA on September 21st, 2024

It’s been 14 years since my last time here at SPOCOM San Mateo. I’ve arrived about 1/2 hour before the show started and there’s already a line of people waiting to get in. The weather is perfect around 11:30am. While PHM didn’t have an official booth, I wanted to thank Tricia for letting us crash at SPOCOM models lounge.

Above: That’s Joe N (one of the OG PHM photographers back in the day) and myself near the end

Above: Plenty of unique and custom cars at SPOCOM, show just started

Above: Honda S660, like what?!? Sign me up for one!

Above: PHM models, Amanda and Jackie loving SPOCOM!

Last but not least, SPOCOM famous Bikini contest, 15 contestants duking out for top cash prizes!

Preview photos by Henry Ma / PHM

That’s all for now, it’s been a long day driving back from SF Bay Area to Vegas. Check back soon for additional photos and videos.

Don’t forget the next SPOCOM is Saturday October 12, 2024 at Dallas Market Hall. More info at or @spocom

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